

by KK

Color Illustrations by Fraylim

A "Crossed Fiction" Story

Rex is just a city kid, forced to move to the suburbs and attend the dweebiest high school he could imagine. He’s got little need for the rules and laws of Faribault High School, but when he gets caught defacing school property with some choice anti-gay language, he’s just bitten off a little bit more than he can chew.

Kenny, a geeky shrimp who is desperate to cling on to the popular kids at school gets involved, when he tries to suck up to the new cool kid on campus.

Both of them have become ensnared in The Principal of Faribault High’s petty desires. He proposed that the boys can work their way out of possible legal charges by inducting them in his new alternative lifestyles awareness program — by living the alternative lifestyle.

As the principal leads the two young men through a questionably effective course of rehabilitation by pretending to be in a relationship with each other, it soon becomes clear that this little plot is going to push both of the boys into places they never thought they’d go.

Both of them are going to come out of the experience changed men... Just one more than the other.

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The Boy's Guide to Girlhood


Rated "R" for language & adult situations


• Slow Change

• Shopping & Salons

• Drug Change

• Coerced Feminization

• Reluctant Transformee

Book. 109 pages.

• 32 illustrations in color

• Instantly downloadable PDF for $9.95

• PDF edition with no copy protection

• Fulfillment by lulu.com

Preview the first 39 pages. PDF Download.

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