

Full-Color Comic by Joe Six-Pack

In southern California, there's a used car lot that reeks of desperation. Unsold cars as far as the eye can see. With little recourse, the owner, known as the “Crazy Sheik,” pulls out his secret weapon. 

The Crazy Sheik has a special formula car polish, a mysterious concoction that casts a spell over customers. Under its’ influence, it compels them to buy the sad, rusty, broken-down cars in the Crazy Sheik’s lot. 

Even worse, this particular lot is full of cars perviously owned by women. It's all "chick cars." The Sheik has a little weakness for beautiful women and tends to only buy cars from beautiful girls.

The thing is, the polish works well — too well. When a customer buys one of the Sheik’s cars, they are so enraptured by the mysterious polish, they slowly alter themselves into the ideal driver for their new car. They change the way they think, the way they act and the way they look. 

They aren't aware of what they're doing, but after a year or so, they become the person the car was made for: a chick driving a chick car.

This book features several transformations with many different characters. All hand-drawn.

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Chick Cars


Rated "PG" for sexual situations


• Slow Change

• Mind Control

• Identity Loss

• Total Transformation

• Reluctant Transformee

• Multiple Themes

Comic. 79 pages.

• Full color, hand-drawn, 270 panels.

• Instantly downloadable PDF for $9.95

• PDF edition with no copy protection

• Fulfillment by lulu.com

Preview the first 15 pages. 6MB PDF Download.

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