Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Groom
aka “From Brothers to Bridesmaids”
by James J. Craft
Color Illustrations by Kwon Lee Tran
A "Teens Transformed" Story
Caleb and Van were two spoiled-rotten boys living in Southern California. They’ve enjoyed living in luxury since they were born, and take a lot for granted. Their father, Derrick, is a traveling salesman, who’s been with a lot of women, and married more than a few times.
Now, Derrick has found the fifth love of his life, and brought her home to meet the boys. This fiancee is different, though. Instead of a gold-digging trollop, this woman is a tall, statuesque african-american woman from New Orleans. Lady Lucinda Anita LaCoeur has a plan for the boys, and isn’t going to be pushed around.
She aims to tame these two wild childs, and she’s going to do it in the most severe way she can – by taking control of the boys and making them into girls.
But what will Derrick say when he see what’s happened to his sons?
The first book in “The Stepmother Series.”
Written by James J. Craft, author of “Big in Japan,” and illustrated by Kwon Lee Tran.
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Rated "R" for sexual situations.
• Slow Change
• Hormonal Change
• Salon Makeover
• Coerced Feminization
Book. 77 pages.
• 16 illustrations in color
• Instantly downloadable PDF for $7.95
• PDF edition with no copy protection
• Fulfillment by
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