
by KK

Color Illustrations by Kannel

A "Tales of Transformation" Story

Jay was a single father who one day found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. As the witness to a murder, his testimony implicates one of the most powerful men in the country of not only of being a killer, but of being gay.

When threatened with his life, Jay has to go into witness protection and disguise himself as a woman, and clothes aren’t the only thing he has to do to make him look female. The doctors re-make Jay into a beautiful woman, despite the humiliation. Not only for himself, but in the eyes of his son, who he’s tried to raise as best he could.

But Jay, now as Julia, is unable to escape his pursuers and finds himself hopelessly entangled with the same people who want to see him dead. Not only is he forced to be the girlfriend of a man who takes delight in humiliating him at every turn, but he decrees that the same feminine fate for Jay’s son.

Is there any way out? Can Jay save his son from dresses and save his own manhood while saving both their lives?


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A Blessing in Disguise


Rated "R" for sexual
situations & language.


• In Hiding

• Multiple Transformees

• Witness Protection

• Surgery

• Hormones

• Total transformation

Book. 84 pages.

• 16 illustrations in color

• Instantly downloadable PDF for $7.95

• PDF edition with no copy protection

• Fulfillment by lulu.com

Preview the first 18 pages. PDF Download.

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