News on the Nines

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News on the Nines

Post by joe »

Reply here for feedback on "News on the Nines."

Post by Guest »

Get to work on the rest!
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Post by joe »


Post by Guest »

It will come when it will come. Anticipate the release but expect nothing. That is the way of internet authors.

But sooner rather than later is always nice.
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Post by Katty »

I think Pics are nice as well. You do draw some nice ones, joe.

Post by Guest »

It takes quite a good reason for me to post in any forum, nonetheless one I've never registered for. Have to say, this story alone is worth a post. It 's been very funny and entertaining so far - and certainly worth more praise than you've recieved thus far.
James Craft


Post by James Craft »

Excellent. Classic JSP! Hope to read more soon...and then more ....and more still!

You're funny Mr.!

Post by Della »

You really are. Have you thought about the comedy network? Great story, thus far.

Post by Guest »

I keep checking back almost everyday so I was wondering do you think there will be an update soon?

I love reading this story, it is very unique and also I love how he becoming more of a cheerleader and not realizing it.

I can't wait for more.
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Post by joe »

I'm busy shaping the next round of Sick Puppy Press stories up so I can publish them. It will probably be a few more weeks before a "Nines" update.

Thanks - Keep writting

Post by DC »

Can't wait for the next part - Hopefully soon

Another great update, but

Post by dc »

It is killing me waiting so long between chapters.

Hope things go well with Sick puppy so you can update this more often.

Thanks for the work.

Post by redryder »

Joe, do you have a clear end in mind for this, or are you just going to keep going as long as you can with it?
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Post by joe »

>Joe, do you have a clear end in mind for this, or are you just going to keep going as long as you can with it?

I have a few different "plot points" in mind to get to, and I could end it on one of those points or move on to the next.

Post by Zolla »

This is a real chuckle. Nicely put together Joe.

More! Soon! Please!

Post by DC »

Great but would love to see More


Post by anon »

great story. I've been waiting soooo long for the next installment!!!!!!!!


Post by Delia »

Just reread chapter 5. It is hawt. Can't wait for the next. And hey, in unrelated news, anything new coming down the pipe from Sick Puppy? I really like what you've done so far!
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Eagerly awaiting Part 6...

Post by Brenda »

Hey Joe,

I certainly don't want to rush genius, but can you give us any indication when the next part of this delightful serial will be out?

Your fan,

Brenda B.T.
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Post by joe »

Working retail...

In a mall...

Christmas time...

Pray for Joe...
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