News on the Nines

Comments on Joe's stories posted on this site.

Great But....

Post by DC »

It's great, but that just makes waiting for the next installment even harder.

News Update!

Post by Delia »

Great stuff...the plot thickens, and all that.
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Post by RedEyeLaPonde »

You forgot to label part 6. I kept passing the start of it. Oh, well.

Post by redryder »

Joe, do you mention Lucas' age anywhere? I've been looking and not finding it. Or am I to assume that he's 15, as Sol wishes to mark on his profile?
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Post by joe »

I'd put him at HS sophomore age. Either 15 or 16.

Post by redryder »

So the change to 17 in the computer is a slight age progression. Excellent.

Post by DC »

So when can we expect the next installment.
Not complaining, just don't want to get too excited.
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Post by joe »

Dunno when it'll be ready to roll. I usually do it in between other projects or during a bout of writers block.

Post by Fan »

I am also looking forward to the next installment. :)
Masashi Randou

Post by Masashi Randou »

ROTFLMHO!!!!! :lol:

Wonderful story, Joe! I love it!

So far my favorite passage is:
"History class dragged on for an eternity. English was unspeakably slow. Algebra was calculatingly dull."


news on the nines

Post by Guest »

I loved it lucas is certainly fitting in as an airheaded girl and uncle curtiss's plan of feminizing him is a delight would love too read more of this story.
Alex Warlorn


Post by Alex Warlorn »

Interesting. And creepy. I'm just sad there is no magic or gene therapy in this story, that would make it completely twisted.
Great Sage
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Post by Great Sage »

Who says there isn't? who knows what kindly Uncle Curtis has hidden in that House of Mystery - I love magical transformations.... or super science ones.

part 7

Post by guest »

Another excellant new chapter and i cant wait too find out what the trick was too hiding his penis.Looking forward too the next chapter.
Great Sage
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Post by Great Sage »

My guess is that he used one of those prosthetic female genitalia thingies we have read about in some other stories on this site or else <gasp> - he really is turning into a Girl!!!!!! :shock:

Remember kiddies, The Great Sage is never's just that sometimes he isn't always..correct :wink:

Post by della »

The latest installment is just great. And the revamped site looks classy. Nice work!
Great Sage
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Post by Great Sage »

Now this is just getting weird...can it be that the girls really are witches? could they have discovered his little trick and are transforming him into a cheerleader for real? has Uncle Curtis gone too far? is it all the result of a gullible boys overactive imagination? Honestly right now all bets are off - I am starting to wonder just what is going on...I hope he really is turning into a for real girl - it would be just so funny but I am beginning to suspect that Good Ol' Uncle Six pack has something a little more twisted in store for us.
For the sake of all the Gods my people swear by (to use an ancient Celtic Oath) please don't keep us waiting too long till the next part - two maybe three days at most :wink:

Post by nikkiparksy »

Another excellant chapter and the hormone's seem too be doing there task with aplomb.Looking forward too the next chapter of this excellant story.

news on the nines

Post by guest »

Another excellant chapter really looking foward too more especially how Ginger Kramz is going too fit in with changing Kyrstie.Ginger has too be a great influence though slutty as i cant see uncle Curtiss knowing many decent woman.So will Ginger bring out Kyrstie's girl side even teaching her that smoking is a good thing for a girl too do.
Really looking foward too the next chapter as i Adore this story.

can't wait for more

Post by anon »

I check for updates so often, I was so excited when I finally found one!

I can't wait for the rest of the story - I hope it comes sooner rather than later :)
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