Blondie's Lost Summer

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Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by joe »

Here's the spot for leaving feedback on Sick Puppy's "Blondie's Lost Summer."

No spoilers, please!
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Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by funkyskunk »

Great story!

Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by SassySue »

Great pictures! They're really wonderful. The story, although well written, was, at least to me, not so wonderful. Although forced-fem is one of my favorite topics, this story seemed to lack any real conflict with Carl seemingly to go along almost willingly with his aunt's suggestions and easily accepting all his changes. I guess Miranda was right that on some deeper level Carl wanted this. Also, I would have preferred Candi's breasts to grow naturally. D cup implants were a little (or is that a lot?) too much. Nevertheless, I would recommend it to those who like a story about a boy being tricked into becoming girl and then stuck in that role, at least for a while.
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Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by hugo »

Wonderful story, and excellent illustrations from Femur. Love that this story is 3 times the length of most other SPP books--you really get a bang for your buck!
On the other hand, I second SassySue's preference for a more drawn-out transformation. As a reader, I felt a bit cheated by the the jump from A to DD. With such a long story, I think that KK could have taken Carl's physical transformation a bit more slowly and detailed.

Still, I absolutely love KK's work for SPP. The little details mentioned in the text really know how to push my buttons. I'm really looking forward to more from him/her.

Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by Nicho »

I loved Blondie's Lost Summer, it really made me buy other stories as well lol. (Was the first one I read).

It was well written, well illustrated.

If I were to have any criticism it would probably be minor inconsistencies, for example, sometimes Candis breasts are D-cup other times DD-cup and so on.
And yes as one earlier poster wrote, Candi do seem to accept things a little to easily.

On the plus side it wasn't a mind control story, generally don't like mind control stories, and Sixpacksite seem to have a lot of them.

But yes, KK did a great job of it.

I hope he will continue the story. Lot of things that can be used to continue the story and Carls feminization.

Bodily could be genital shrinking (due to hormones), breasts growing bigger naturally, more surgery, perhaps laser hair removal, and the final surgeries of course.
Not to say being pushed into dating boys by his scheming mother and aunt and all the other events and fun things that could take place.
So yes, hope to see a follow-up soon. "Blondies lost life" hehe. (And a little less acceptance of events perhaps).

Anyhow, great work!

Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by Nicho »

Oh, and I also suspect he will find his inheritance is gone, blown own surgeries, new clothes, salon visits and so on =p.

Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by Nicho »


Well, without revealing too much.

I wasn't too sure about the "random" events in the story, like the implants, meeting Miranda
and the later date. Think it would have been better if the aunt had masterminded those
things, maybe she did and we will find out later, which means she is also manipulating his
mother then perhaps.

As I also said I found it strange that his breasts didn't grow more on his own, since according
to illustrations both his mom and aunt are quite well-endowed.

He also bought that later "legal" thing a little to easily imo. Not even an attempt to find out
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Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by Nicho »

sharecudorp wrote:
> Yeah, I guess I can agree with you on the randomness, but I don't think it
> was that big of a deal. I do agree that it would be better if those things
> were masterminded. Of course, the thing with the breasts is totally not
> plausible in the real world, but whatever. I remember thinking that maybe
> the Miranda thing was a setup, but its been a while since I read it to be
> honest. As for the breast growth, I don't know whether genetics would make
> that much of a difference when it comes to breast growth in males,
> especially over a relatively short time frame. I sort of just assumed that
> breasts in men will always be relatively small, but I guess I could be
> wrong. I have to agree that it is unrealistic how easily Carl is conned,
> but I'm not sure whether that bothers me or not.
> Ultimately, I could/do find some flaws with the book, but overall it was
> just so totally awesome. I was too busy being enthralled to really be
> bothered by any rough spots. I think, for me, the one thing that could have
> really made it substantially better would be explicit sexual content in the
> later half of the book, but I guess that is not everyone's style.
> I would be interested to know which other sixpacksite books you thought
> were good. Ive only read Blondies Lost Summer, Boys Will be Girls, Little
> Misster Popular, and He's Got His Mind Maid Up. I don't like the mind
> control thing either, so it seems like we may have similar tastes.
> also, maybe you could PM me and we could compare notes on other fiction.

Yeah, those things you didn't really know was a bit confusing, like Miranda, but then on the end Kat exclaims that
she was surprised by the date to his mother, which ofc might be the manipulation of his mother, but I don't think
KK would make it so complicated. Then there is also the whole convo of Kat talking about how hurt Miranda
was and so on, but you never know. I hear KK might continue it.

When it comes to breast size I think it depends very much on genetics. I know a transgender woman who started
hormones when she was 20-21, she was a b-cup in 2-3 months, and c-cup before 6 months. So yes. Genetics.

And yes the story is great, even though there are some grammar/editing mistakes, and some entire sentences
that doesn't make sense like "I just had no idea you would turn out to be such a beautiful..." when Carl isn't even
there anymore. And some story inconsistencies/false trails.

And yes, I really want a part 2.

I don't think you will find much sexual content on Sixpacksite, they seem to be refraining from it.

When it comes to stories I prefer (stories without mind control yes), I was disappointed in Little Miss-ter Popular
because the mind control wasn't tagged yes, but James Crafts "Always a bridesmaid, never a groom", is probably
also one of the better stories on sixpacksite. KKs Show Piece was also good, though it has mind control which
I didn't mind because it was well written. Pansy Cheers has no mind control, and it seems good, though I haven't
read all of it yet. Sissy Sweets by James Craft has no mind control either I think. When it comes to Joes own stories
I actually think I prefer his free stories =P, but that might be because those doesn't have mind control in them,
I like his comics, Making Friends for example, and there seem to be some on Sixpacksite that doesn't have mind control
in them, like A little too clever and some other stuff by Joe, I bought them but I haven't read them yet.

When it comes to his free stories I like News on the nines, but it isn't finished, doesn't seem to be any mind control though,
I do like circumstance by design, though it has mind control.

But yes, Joe puts too much mind control in his stories! =P
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Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by Nicho »

Was going to say as well.

Miranda could be a useful tool for Aunt Kat in the future, I mean
she could work through Miranda to set Candi up with boys.

Miranda could threaten to reveal Carls secret, Aunt Kat gets no
blame. And Carl has to do it.
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Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by Nicho »

The one thing I really want to find out is his aunts motivation. KK leaves so many questions. Maybe KK could tell us unless he is gonna write a second chapter? =P
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Re: Blondie's Lost Summer

Post by Nicho »

Btw shareducorp

I actually reread Blondie's Lost Summer, and now I actually think the breast implants and the date were masterminded by Aunt Kat.

I'm not going to spoil to much, but read those parts again.
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