Circumstance by Design

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Circumstance by Design

Post by joe »

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circumstanc by design

Post by Guest »

Can't help feeling sorry for Derek but, somehow I wish that I could be changed into that beautiful sex toy and treated like that - on display with all my body being lusted over, made to suck men's large cocks and swallow all of their cum - then to be taken forcefully and (intercourse) by a whole football team, with cum running out of me everywhere, with a bellyful of manseed - what a mind trip.
I think inside all men is the latent desire to be a total slut and (intercourse) royally - That is how I have come to view life.
Your story had me hard in my pants and wishing I was going on Derek's journey, except I would have opted to stay the sex toy, forever.
Great Sage
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Post by Great Sage »

It ended with much joy - I preferred it to the sex toy ending, which would have been too sad - besides there are rules to TG fiction - I think - the bigger a jerk the guy is at the start the more thoroughly demeaned and degraded he will end up - Derek is a decent guy that doesn't deserve to have his life ruined so the Swedish ending was cool.
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Circumstances by Design

Post by meps98 »

I really enjoyed this story. I prefer stories where the changes are gradual and we see the protagonist deal with those subtle changes. I wish there had been more about Nicole and Becky's adventures between the escape from the mansion and the arrival at the ski lodge. I also am unsure of Nichole's final sexual orientation (for males, females, or bi ?). Overall, an entertaining read.
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