publishing through LULU

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publishing through LULU

Post by squidonhead »


Are they easy to work with? Does your quality hold up in the printed piece? Do they pay you your share when theyre supposed to? Are you happy with their service and /or prodct?

I saw your stuff and am now having thoughts about publishing my own fine art book.

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Post by joe »

Well, mister squidonhead, if that is indeed your real name,

Lulu has had it's ups and downs. For one reason or another, they aren't paying me according to their own schedule. They're saying this is a technical glitch, and I do believe them. When I write to them and ask to be paid, they take care of it in a matter of minutes.

The printed material I've gotten back (so far) is a big disappointment. I use a mac and produce PDF to be printed, but so far everything I've gotten back is printing in default fonts that look like a typewriter threw up on the page. Once I figure out a way around that problem, I'll be fine. The paper and covers look great in terms of quality. The books are going to be the best on the market. I love the samples I have, and I'm very impressed with them. I'm getting my latest tests sometime tomorrow or Saturday.

Best of all, the people buying the books seem to like the experience. A lot of people want flexibility and privacy when it comes to payment, and lulu does that.

You do have to spend some time going through the tutorials they provide and you may need some good software to put together a quality page and cover, but if you put in the effort, Lulu can provide what you're looking for, and I do recommend them.

Post by Guest »

Thanks Joe!
this is the kind of thoughtful honest reply i was hoping for.
BTW? it"s "Miss" Squidonhed.

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